Position of all grain must be given to the scale operator when the grain crosses the scale. To ensure prompt attention and proper processing of all settlements, you
must inform the scale operator when you have finished hauling the last load, and be sure all notations on tenant-landlord arrangements, partnerships, splits and
all special information has been given. Any grain to be sold the day of delivery will be priced at 1:00 p.m. that day. If there is No available market that day, first
available market will be used. All pricing will be at the discretion of “Nexus.”
Please notify us as to the disposition of your grain, if not notified within 10 days of the first load we will put the grain on storage at tariff rates without notice. All loads must be settled within 30 days of delivery.
Deferred Payment Contracts are available. All will have a specified payment date with due dates determined by management.
These will be determined by the management and regulated at the scale. When possible, hours for delivery will be posted in the office.
Corn and Soybeans: $.002/Bushel/Day for the first 120 days. The next 245 days at $0.00133/Bushel/day. Over 365 days at $0.002/bu per day.
All locations all grain – $0.05 for the first 60 days, then $0.00133/bu/day for the next 305 days, then $0.002/bu/day thereafter.
Grain Bank must be processed (ground or cracked) to be removed from storage, any grain not used in a manufactured feed will be charged a 10 cent per bushel
fee. Unprocessed Grain Bank will be assessed regular storage when removed or sold.
No ownership transfers of Grain Bank will be allowed. Ownership on scale ticket must be the same as the individual/entity using the Grain Bank corn in their feed.
Sale for cash, Price Later or Deferred Payment will be based on 15% moisture. Warehouse receipt & storage will be based on 14% moisture. Grain bank receipts will be based on 15% moisture.
Sale for cash, Price Later, or Deferred Payment will be based on 13% moisture (see discount schedule below).
1.18% per point water removed 0.32% variable weight loss per point total weight adjustment – 1.50% per percentage point moisture.
5.00 cents per 1% of moisture removed (ROUNDED UP TO THE NEAREST TENTH OF A POINT). Wet corn for storage will be dried to 14% moisture and shrunk 1.50%
per point (NOTE: Due to current uncertainty in the petroleum industry, it may be necessary to adjust drying rates during harvest to reflect higher energy costs).
1.5% per half point over 13% moisture will be deducted from the selling bushels. 2.0% PER HALF POINT OVER 15% WILL BE SHRUNK FROM THE SELLING BUSHELS.
TEST WEIGHT DISCOUNTS | 54# to 52# – $0.01/lb/bu. | Under 53# – $0.01/lb/bu. |
51# to 50# – $0.03/lb/bu. | ||
Under 50# – $0.04/lb/bu. | ||
FM DISCOUNTS | 3.1% to 4.0% – $0.02/pt/bu. | All FM over 1% will be deducted from weight |
4.1% to 5.0% – $0.03/pt/bu. | ||
5.1% and over – $0.04/pt/bu. | ||
DAMAGE DISCOUNTS | 5.1% to 7.0% – $0.01/pt/bu. | |
7.1% to 10.0% – $0.02/pt/bu. | ||
Over 10% – $0.03/pt/bu. | ||
OTHER DISCOUNTS | SOUR – $0.10/bu., MUSTY – $0.05/bu., INFESTED – $0.10/bu. | SOUR – $0.10/bu., MUSTY – $0.05/bu., INFESTED – $0.10/bu. |
Must be dried to 15% on corn and 13% on soybeans. Pricing and receiving will be left to the discretion of management.
Handling charges for all grain out are 10 cents per bushel in and 10 cents per bushel out.
Minimum storage, nine month loans and reserve storage must be paid in full before warehouse receipt will be issued.
All outbound equipment will have first priority to the scale. Incoming equipment should not pull onto the scale unless there is room to stage on the inbound side
keeping the scale clear whenever possible. You are also responsible for keeping track of your place in line.
Corn and Soybeans: $0.20/bu minimum for the first 90 days. $0.00133/bu per day through August 29, 2025. Price Later Contract terms and investment are subject to
change at any time. Effective September 15, 2024.
Under 6 months out $.03 any bushel amount
7 to 12 months out $.05 any bushel amount
Over 12 months out $.08 – 5000 bushel lots
Under 6 months out $.05 any bushel amount
7 to 12 months out $.08 any bushel amount
Over 12 months out $.14 – 1000 bushel lots
2 cents to roll on both corn and soybeans. Investment to be deducted at settlement.